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The Costume of the Empire of Russia, T. Bensley 1811
GENGA, Bernardino., Anatomia chirugica. Cioe’ istoria anatomica dell’ossa, e muscoli del corpo umano, Com la Descrizzione de’ Vasi, che scorrono per le parti Esterne, & in particolare per gl’Articoli, & un breve Trattato della Circolazione del Sangue, in questa Nuova Impressione riformata, & accresciuta di molte riflessioni Pathologiche Chirurgiche. Di Bernardino Genga da Mondolfo nello stato d’Urbino, Dottore in Filosofia, e Medicina, Chirurgo Primario, e Professore d’ Anatomia, e Chirurgia nel Ven. Archiospedale di S. Spirito., Per il Longhi, 1687
First Edition
CLAIR, René, Star Turn: A Novel of the Films, Chatto and Windus, 1936
CRAWFORD, Ashley; EDGAR, Ray, Spray: The Work of Howard Arkley [A World Art Book], Craftsman House, 1996
GREENWOOD, Jeremy, Edward Bawden: Editioned Prints, Wood Lea Press, 2005
LAPERRIERE, Charles Baile de, Royal Academy Exhibitors, 1905-1970. A dictionary of artists and their work in the summer exhibitions of the Royal Academy of Arts, (Complete Set, 6 Volumes + 1989 supplement), EP Publishing Ltd; Hilmarton Press, 1973
Meyerowitz, Joel; Westerbeck, Colin, Joel Meyerowitz: Where I Find Myself: A Lifetime Retrospective, Laurence King Publishing, 2018
AKIYAMA, Shotaro., Kagyu no kiseki: 1949-1974. Shotaro Akiyama. Collected Works., Nihon Kamera Sha, 1974
Various, The Art Journal. New Series. 1881, J. S. Virtue & Co Ltd., 1881
FAIRLEY, Malcolm; IMPEY, Oliver; POLLARD, Clare; WOLDBYE, Vibeke, Treasures of Imperial Japan, Volume 5, Ceramics, Part 1, Porcelain (Hardback) , Khalili Collections, 2006
Everard, John, Oriental Model, Robert Hale Limited, 1955
JACKSON, David, Nordic Art: The Modern Breakthrough 1860-1920, Hirmer Publishers, 2013
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