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Showing 601–612 of 625 results
American Travel
McDermontt, James, The Third Voyage of Martin Frobisher to Baffin Island 1578, The Hakluyt Society 2001
CHAFFERS, William., Hall-marks on Gold and Silver Plate. Illustrated with tables of annual date letters employed in the Assay Offices of England, Scotland and Ireland, and a fac-simile of a copper-plate of makers’ marks at Goldsmiths’ Hall. To which are now added, a History of L’Orfevrerie Francaise, With Extracts from the Statutes, Ordinances, etc., and Twelve Plates of French Hall Marks. Fifth edition, revised and considerably augmented., Bickers & Son, 1875
SEDLEY, David, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy: Volume 33 (XXXIII), Oxford University Press, 2008
Muhs, Brian, Tax Receipts, Taxpayers, and Taxes in Early Ptolemaic Thebes, Oriental Institute Publications, 2005
Orlinska, Grazyna with Wojciech Brzezinski, Catalogue of the Germanic Antiquities from the Klemm Collection, The British Museum Press, 2001
Smith, H.S., Tait, W.J.,, Saqqara Demotic Papyri 1, Egyptian Exploration Society, 1983
Mazzoni, Stefano; Guaita, Ovidio, Il teatro di Sabbioneta, Leo S. Olschki Editore, 1985
Biographies & Letters
DA BISTUCCI, Vespasiano., Vite di uomini illustri del secolo XV., Rinascimento del libro, 1938
DUFOUR, Valentin., Bibliographie artistique, historique et litteraire de Paris, avant 1789., A. Laporte, 1882
Refice Taschetta Claudia, Mattia Preti. Abicca, 1959
Classical Music
Dahlhaus, Schoenberg and the New Music, Cambridge 1987
Heseltine, Philip, Frederick Delius, John Lane The Bodley Head Ltd 1923
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