Title: Mattia Preti.
Author: Refice Taschetta Claudia
Publisher: Abicca
Year published: 1959
Place of Publication: Brindisi
Book Condition: Very Good & Sound
Jacket Condition: Very Good
Size: 8vo
Binding: Original Wrapper
Edition: 1
Notes: Contributi alla conoscenza del Cavalier Calabrese. Brindisi, Abicca, 1959. In 8vo, paperback and dustjacket in colour, pp.95+69 plates. Very good copy.
BECCARIA, Cesare; AROUET, Francois-Marie [VOLTAIRE]., An Essay on Crimes and Punishments, Translated from the Italian; with a Commentary, Attributed to Mons. De Voltaire, Translated from the French. The second edition., Printed for F. Newberry, 1769