Title: Il Libro Di Malachia Profeta Tradotto in Versi Toscani
Author: Pacchi, Domenico (trans.)
Publisher: Giuseppe Vanni
Year published: 1779
Place of Publication: Firenze
Book Condition: Good
Jacket Condition:
Size: 8vo
Binding: Paper Cover
Notes: 71pp. Bound in decorated paper cover. With s sall red label to spine. Worn to cover and spine. Clean and bright throughout. With large margins. Small paper damage to pages 15-16. Malachi (or Malachias) is the last book of the Neviim contained in the Tanakh, the last of the twelve minor prophets (canonically) and the final book of the Neviim. Not common publication.
BECCARIA, Cesare; AROUET, Francois-Marie [VOLTAIRE]., An Essay on Crimes and Punishments, Translated from the Italian; with a Commentary, Attributed to Mons. De Voltaire, Translated from the French. The second edition., Printed for F. Newberry, 1769