Title: Katalogos Ton Kodikon Tes Hieras Sketes Kausokalybion Kai Ton Kalybon Autes
Author: Eustratiades, Sophronios
Publisher: H. Champion
Year published: 1930
Place of Publication: Paris
Book Condition: Excellent
Size: Small 4to
Binding: Hardcover
Edition: First
Notes: Katalogos Ton Kodikon Tes Hieras Sketes Kausokalybion Kai Ton Kalybon Autes, edited by Sophronios Eustratiades (formerly Archbishop of Leontopolis) (Paris: H. Champion, 1930), pp. (4), d, 149, (3). Hard cloth bound. Original cream paper wraps included within binding. Blue leather label with gilt lettering in English: ‘Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts on Mount Athos: KAVSOKALYVI’. Text in Greek.
Wherry, Erv. E.M., A Comprehensive Commentary on the Quran: comprising Sale’s Translation and Preliminary Discourse, with additional notes and emendations. Together with a Complete Index to the Text, Preliminary Discourse, and Notes, by the Rev. E.M. Wherry. (1 Vol only), K. Paul, Trench, Trübner, & Co 1896